Express & Star

11 stylish costumes future people could wear to a 2010s-themed party

There are plenty of trends nowadays that we might look back on and cringe.


Many of us will have enjoyed 1960s, ’70s, ’80s, or even 1990s-themed parties … but what will future generations wear when they want to emulate this decade?

Reddit user themapoe asked people on the website for their suggestions of the weirdest and most outlandish trends from the 2010s that will stand the test of time.

Here are 11 ideas that you should bookmark for a party in 20 years’ time.

1. The “hipster” look is still going strong.

3. Some of the biggest trends are ’90s throwbacks.

5. Flo Rida’s Low came out in 2008 … but it still counts.

7. This person would give everyone nostalgia.

9. The most famous man of the decade?

11. Finally, this person made a great point.