Express & Star

Twitter users are loving this couple who look eerily similar to Meghan and Harry

This royal-looking couple joked they would ‘confuse a few people’ in Windsor.


Social media users are loving these royal doppelgangers, who joked they would confuse a lot of people watching the royal wedding.

Paul Embery, a firefighter from Norfolk, tweeted that he and his wife Tricia could be mistaken for royalty, and that they should use this to their advantage.

Posting on social media, he said: “Me and the wife just off to Windsor to confuse a few people.”

The post now has more than 3,000 likes on Twitter, with plenty of people marvelling at the couple’s likeness to Harry and Meghan.

Embery said: “We didn’t really go! Just having a bit of fun. Although an elderly fellow dog-walker did stop me this morning and ask why I wasn’t at Windsor. She was apparently serious!

“I am quite a senior figure in the Fire Brigades Union, so my wife and I were invited to the London Fire Brigade Christmas carol service at Westminster Cathedral last December. Price Harry was the star guest. He had just announced his engagement. He was seated just a few yards from us.

“My wife and I received a flood of kind wishes on that occasion! I kept having to say, ‘No, it’s not me. The bloke you want is sitting just over there’.”

Embery said: “It’s my wife’s birthday today.

“My wife watched it [the royal wedding] and blubbed her way through the ceremony.”