This policeman pulled over women to give them roses, in honour of his late mum
‘I’m sure the women were relieved!’

A police officer from West Virginia has been pulling over women and handing them bunches of roses.
Shawn Johnson, who has worked for Putnam County PD for 20 years, handed out 10 dozen roses to women in the area in honour of his mother – who passed away two years ago.

“The women said when they saw they were being pulled over they were trying to figure out what they did wrong,” Shawn’s daughter Brooke told the Press Association.
“When my dad approached the car he had the flowers behind his back.
“He assured them they did nothing wrong and to not worry, he then explained he lost his mother (Carol Kelly) two years ago to cancer and had no-one to give flowers to.”

“I am beyond proud of my dad and the way he copes with the loss of his mother.”
Brooke posted photos of Shawn handing out flowers to Twitter, where they have been shared thousands of times.
Being pulled over by the police has never been so surprisingly heart-warming.