Express & Star

If books were doors, here are 8 places they might lead

Eight books and eight secret escapes.

(Danny Lawson/PA)

Books are so often a means of escapism, but what if they were literally an escape route to a secret room?

That’s the question with which imaginative Twitter user Becky Cloonan has tasked her followers.

Here are eight of the best answers.

1. A classic piece of literature by Tarō Gomi for a route to one of the simpler joys of life.

2. Douglas Adams for a way to store “the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have”.

3. Some William Faulkner, for a place to make some noise.

4. An autobiography, to ensure nobody discovered it.

5. Some raunchiness from EL James, for deception.

6. An ancient Chinese military treatise to shield a secret vigilante identity.

7. A mountaineering textbook to help you get to a place where you can practice.

8. A book leading to more books.

Because books are so often the only escape you need.

And beer.