The dumb ways people got injured which absolutely should not make you laugh
We shouldn’t laugh.

Pain is no joke but when one Twitter user asked people for tales about the “dumbest ways” they had been injured, the sympathy winces were punctuated by laughter.
From someone who tripped over a pinata, to a bike chain in the face, these injuries had a hint of the Darwin Awards about them.
Twitter user @Gommunisd, who posed the original question, confessed to injuring his head on a fan when learning out of his bunk bed as a child.
Some injuries were just innocuous enough to laugh at
— Neale Blackburn Photography : (@wwchasdogdotcom) May 1, 2018
But it may be difficult to see the funny side of these grim tales
A chunk of chain came down and whacked me in the face
I was knocked unconscious, from a standing position, onto the concrete of a driveway
— Mister Hayden (@MrHaydenMyers) May 4, 2018
I also scraped the same cornea a few years prior with a round hair brush.
I no longer have bangs. ?
— A.C. Dillon (@dillonac) April 30, 2018
Music is clearly a factor in injuries
— Keaton Buster (@KeatonErin) May 2, 2018
… and hammocks