Going on Question Time? This handy guide from a former Labour adviser will help
There are ten simple rules to remember.

BBC Question Time can be the making or breaking of politicians, for a few weeks at least. Luckily for them, they have advisers to help them prepare for such a television encounter.
One such adviser has shared his top ten tips for success on the programme, to Twitter’s delight.
Theo Bertram served as special adviser to the Prime Minister for both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown between 2006 and 2010, so he is qualified to give an insider’s view of Question Time.
To increase your chances of more claps than boos, follow the following rules.
1. Don’t do it
Seriously. That’s Bertrand’s advice.
2. Brief the independent guest
3. Remember audience member’s names
4. Give the people what they want: Trivia
5. Compassion is key
6. Know your audience
7. Be magnanimous
8. Be clear – yes or no?
9. Play the game for screen time
10. Take a pop at an audience member – but choose carefully
Obviously the first rule is the best one – just don’t appear. But these rules will help you if you decide to go on.
Either way, the rules will make a fantastic drinking game.