A woman started crying after getting a spray tan and the results are hilarious
Lesson learnt: never cry after getting a spray tan done.

A woman is going viral after she hilariously forgot the number one rule of getting a spray tan: keep your face dry for the first few hours.
Cheerleader Alex Vinklarek from Houston, Texas, got a spray tan before a competition, when she started crying over a “heartwarming” dog video, and streaked the tan all down her face.
Vinklarek said she gets spray tans before going to cheerleading competitions, with her latest taking place over the weekend with the Woodlands Elite Generals in Orlando, Florida.
Vinklarek said: “I’m very aware of what happens when water touches it before you shower it off, but after I got sprayed I went in my car and started watching videos on twitter and saw this really heartwarming video of a dog reuniting with its owner.
“I didn’t cry much but two drops rolled down each side of my face so I immediately realised and opened my camera to look at it.
“I saw that I had two streaks and I started bawling my eyes out. So that’s when it got really bad.
“I also kept trying to stop crying but every time I looked at myself I cried more because it looked so awful.”
The photos now have 14,000 retweets, and people have been reaching out to let Alex know that the same thing has happened to them.
She added that she went to a restaurant after she took the photos, so she washed the tan off her face, which got rid of most of the streaks.
Vinklarek said: “Some of it had already developed and the next day I had very faint white streaks down my face.”