A cop stopped traffic to help a dancer shoot a Janet Jackson audition video
Lala D’Iore impressed the officer – and a whole lot of people online with her moves.

A woman trying to film a dance routine in the street received help from a police officer who initially wanted to move her along.
Lala D’Iore was creating an audition video to wow US singer Janet Jackson who had put out a casting call on social media for dancers to get in touch.
Lala, from Alabama, was in the middle of a street in Birmingham with her brother and sister, poised to record her moves, when a cop stopped her – but rather than try to move her on, he helped block the traffic and added a spotlight.
“It felt amazing to receive so much love and support, and the outcome is mind-blowing – the dance turned out greater than I could imagine,” she told the Press Association.
“It wasn’t choreographed, the dance that’s viral is a freestyle.”
And the police officer, Philip Jones, was impressed by Lala’s moves too.
“I’m glad to see that she did have fancy moves, but she did do really good,” he told WBRC.
“This has actually showed the world and the community that police officers are not just out here to harass people or that we’re being mean and uptight.
“It shows we are human and we can have a little fun.”
Lala was responding to an open call for backing dancers which Jackson posted on Instagram.