This woman’s thread on the overseas birth of her son is absolutely jaw-dropping
This story is wild.

An American woman has shared her account of giving birth alone in a Turkish hotel room and ending up at the centre of a media storm.
Tia Freeman, 22, from Nashville, Tennessee, shared the remarkable story of finding out she was pregnant, giving birth and getting her new baby a passport in Turkey in a Twitter thread, with the help of some very appropriate gifs.
Strap in guys, this is one heck of a journey.
It all started when Tia found out she was pregnant very late on and couldn’t quite come to terms with the news.
As she had a flight booked to visit a friend in Germany, she decided to go ahead with the visit.
The thing is, she had a 17-hour layover in Turkey and was beginning to feel ill. Was it the salmon, or contractions?
This is the point when the internet comes to Tia’s aid.
She fills a bath and grabs some towels, tracking her contractions with the timer on her phone.
Lo and behold, Tia found out that babies float, and she had a baby boy.
Next comes the placenta.
Then to work out how to cut the umbilical cord.
With the cord cut, Tia proceeded to clean up, feed her son and get back to the airport.
Unsurprisingly, airport staff were a little shocked to see Tia and her newborn.
After travelling to the US consulate, Tia is finally taken to the hospital.
All’s well that ends well. Welcome to the world Xavier!
Once the pair landed back in the US, TIa and her son were greeted with open arms by her family.
“My family was absolutely stunned… No one had a clue,” she told the Press Association.
“But they were all extremely excited. It’s my parents first grandchild and he makes the 5th living generation on my mom’s side.”
Since Tia returned home, she says things have been “much calmer”. Luckily, as a member of the US Air Force, she was entitled to 12 weeks maternity leave, which gave her time to adjust and prepare the house she shares with her mother for baby Xavier.
Despite their unusual journey to becoming a family, Tia and Xavier are “doing amazing”, Tia said.
“We’ve just been hanging out getting to know each other.”