Express & Star

This guy’s pregnant wife didn’t want maternity pictures – so he got his own

Behold, the miracle of pregnancy in all its glory.

According to the photographer, the shoot itself was one to remember (Chris Urena)

When Chris Urena’s wife became pregnant with their first child, his mind turned to the idea of a maternity photo shoot.

There was just one spanner in the works – his wife, Angie, wasn’t on board.

No matter – Chris, who is himself a photographer, thought creatively and came up with the perfect way to get those unforgettable images – he posed for them himself.

Chris Urena in a 'maternity shoot'
His wife Angie is expecting their first child in June (Chris Urena)

“I came up with the idea and then we started pitching different ideas and this was the end result,” he told the Press Association.

The results are pretty special – all the usual poses you’d expect from a maternity shoot, with plenty of sass and drama thrown in, except it’s the father in the pictures instead of the mother.

Chris Urena in a 'maternity shoot'
A few photographer friends helped him through the process (Chris Urena)

“The experience was actually hilarious,” Chris said. “We could not stop laughing the entire time. It was new to all of us.

“I have never done anything to this magnitude but my family and friends all laugh and just say it’s me and my character. They wouldn’t expect anything less.”

Chris Urena in a 'maternity shoot'
One Redditor wrote ‘Maternity? These are Eternity photos, they are legendary’ (Chris Urena)

“My wife isn’t huge on photos, especially revealing ones, but after seeing mine she had agreed to do some which I’ll be doing sometime next week,” Chris said.

Chris Urena in a 'maternity shoot'
(Chris Urena)

And they’ll have the perfect photos to document it, too.

Chris Urena in a 'maternity shoot'
Angie is finally on board with getting her own photo shoot done (Chris Urena)