A group of teenagers left a grieving family touched with this show of respect
The 10 boys were playing basketball when they each took a knee.

A group of youngsters playing basketball went viral after they stopped their game and took a knee out of respect as a funeral procession drove past.
Lynn Bienvenu and her sister Johanna Stroud were attending the funeral of their cousin, Velma Kay Crowe, when they noticed a group of 10 teenagers stop in their tracks to show sympathy.
Bienvenu took a picture of the boys, named Shimar Davis, Shimon Davis, Edward James, Brandon Burton, Quindon Burris, Stacy Ard, James Bickham, Avant Money, Malachi Martin and Kalarrian Dillon.
The gesture, which took place in Denham Springs, Louisiana so touched Bienvenu that she sought the boys out – some of who sent their condolences, despite not knowing the bereaved family.
She said in her post: “They took a knee not out of disrespect, but out of honour. There was not an adult in sight to tell them to stop playing.
“This meant a great deal to our family. May god bless each and every one as I feel they will achieve greatness.”
News of the heartwarming act spread around the town, with local citizens pointing out that they were students of Franklington Junior High school. According to Bienvennu, the school has “long taught students to show respect when a funeral passes by”.