Express & Star

10 things that non-Brits think Brits do well

How many of these do you take for granted?

Mark Pearson opens Mr Crisp, England’s first crisp sandwich shop, in Keighley, West Yorkshire.

The NHS, orderly queues and the chunky chip – these are a few things that the UK is best known for.

But as a nation of self-deprecating people, we often take these aspects of everyday life for granted, forgetting just how devoid of convenience and joy our lives would be without them.

Here, non-Brits of Reddit have been sharing the aspects of British life which they admire, and some of the suggestions are endearingly simple.

1. A pint brings all the Brits to the yard.

2. Three prongs all the way.

4. Pub is life.

6. Getting your snack on is a gourmet experience.

8. These gooey, chocolatey orange treasures are always a crowd favourite.

10. Panel show and chill.