A student posed with a gun in her trousers for a graduation photo and the parodies are perfect
It’s beginning to have the makings of an extraordinary yearbook.

A pro-Donald Trump college student went viral and hit headlines this week after posing for a graduation photo with a gun tucked in her trousers – but it’s the parody responses since which are really taking Twitter by storm.
Brenna Spencer, 22, from the University of Tennessee, received over 113,000 likes on her photo with the firearm, where she is seen wearing a “Women for Trump” t-shirt in support of the US president.
However, despite being posted five days later than Brenna’s “not normal graduation photo”, another user posted a parody which has already surpassed hers in popularity by over 15,000 likes.
If you can’t quite make that out, @plantbboi has a lizard in her trousers in place of the gun.
These teasing parodies of Brenna’s original photo have become a meme, with many more Twitter users getting involved.
Some stuck to the old school jokes.
Some showed off their doggos.
Others just made their gun a little larger.
Of course many whipped out their favourite Spongebob Squarepants meme.
And some took the abnormality to new lengths.
The makings of a truly bizarre university yearbook.
Brenna has defended the picture with the gun down her trousers.
“Taking my graduation photos, I figured that I wanted them to… represent the person that I am,” she told Fox and Friends.
“So obviously, being very passionate about conservative politics and the Second Amendment, I decided that that was what I wanted to do.
“I think it’s really important to empower people, to show that you should be allowed to protect yourself.”