Express & Star

This card game could help you become more productive and achieve your goals

Life Quest encourages people to get into the habit of being productive before they tackle their bigger goals.

(John Honochick/Life Quest)

In a twist on Catch 22, a 29-year-old man who was struggling to fulfil his potential and follow through on his business dreams is preparing to launch his first product.

John Honochick has created a card game called Life Quest which helps people struggling with self-improvement.

By working through the programme himself, he is in a position to launch Life Quest and is hoping to secure 2,000 US dollars (about £1,400) via Kickstarter to take the coaching game into production.

Deck of Life Quest cards (John Honochick/Life Quest)
(John Honochick/Life Quest)

Mini-tasks featured in the game include writing a letter to a friend or learning to count to 10 in a foreign language.

“The idea came through my own personal struggles with self-improvement. I was one of the many who is constantly looking to improve, but I found myself failing my goals more often than succeeding,” he told Press Association.

“I started researching and found that this was common. We often set our goals too large, before developing a habit of self-improvement.”

Honochick, from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, said: “Life Quest is a daily challenge card game designed to help people on their self-improvement journey.

“This system provided me with small, attainable challenges every day – many of which are in the final product. I quickly noticed an improvement in my mood and motivation.

“This led to me tackling larger goals with greater ease. I thought if Life Quest was this helpful to me, I should make it available for others as well.”

Deck of Life Quest cards (John Honochick/Life Quest)
(John Honochick/Life Quest)

“It feels weird saying it, but Life Quest has truly enabled me to launch Life Quest as a business.”

The Kickstarter campaign goes live on April 16 with the product fully designed and ready to go. The funding will cover production costs and simultaneously keep the price low as the cards will be bought in bulk.

Life Quest cards being used by a yoga practitioner (John Honochick/Life Quest)
(John Honochick/Life Quest)

Honochick added: “I want to help others to live their best life. We only get one chance to live this life. Life is a beautiful thing, but it’s finite.

“I personally have wasted too much time being unproductive in my life and I want to empower others to live their life to the fullest. Life Quest brought a powerful change to my life and if it can help one other person to live a fuller, richer, more rewarding life, then it was all worth it.”

To find out more and register for updates visit the Life Quest Cards website.