Express & Star

This artist is stunning social media by painting incredibly detailed designs onto her chest

Georgina Ryland has gone viral for the masterpieces she paints onto her skin.

Some of the artist’s work on her own skin (Georgina Ryland)

A make-up artist has proven that great paintings can take many forms, as she creates incredibly detailed artworks on her own chest, neck and shoulders.

Georgina Ryland, 23, is wowing social media with her body-painting work, which sees her create designs – often scenes from films and TV shows – on her skin.

Her work has been inspired by The Little Mermaid, Stranger Things, Harry Potter, and many more.

Ryland attended the Australian Academy of Cinemagraphic Make-up to learn make-up for film and television, but the body painting is a result of her own experimentation.

She said: “I am self-taught in my body painting and it will always be my most favourite area.”

Ryland became interested in body painting after creating a costume for a Halloween event, and has been painting for around six years.

Ryland said: “I attended a Halloween event many years ago and drew on my face with terrible quality eyeshadows.

“I found it very enjoyable and fun so I continued to play and try new things such as drawing dinosaurs and butterflies. I bought some face paints and continued practising and the rest is history!”