Watch this artist set fire to his work as he creates masterpieces with gunpowder
Norway’s Dino Tomic has gone viral with his fiery art.

Norwegian artist Dino Tomic has gone viral for showcasing beautiful works of art… and then setting them on fire.
Tomic creates incredibly detailed displays out of gunpowder, and then sets them alight to amazing effect.
The powder then scorches the design onto canvas, meaning you can hang it on the wall straight away.
Tomic’s latest piece is a combination of marker pens and gunpowder to create a portrait of Star Wars character Darth Maul.
He said: “It was a natural step for me to do gunpowder after I have been working with only kitchen salt art for one year – now I’m making glowing sand art and heat changing art.”
Tomic said: “I’m literally drawing with fire – it’s not recommended to try at home.”