Express & Star

11 of the best horror movie cliches that let you know when something awful will happen

These little things might mean something dramatic is about to happen.

Don’t look now! (velkol/Getty Images)

Even the most die-hard horror movie fans have to admit that there are plenty of cliches the genre relies on to build tension… After all, that’s part of the fun.

Reddit user flyoverthemooon asked the website for their best movie “red flags” that let you know something scary is about to happen.

Those who are afraid of horror movies, pay attention: these little tips will let you know when you have to turn away from the screen.

1. There will definitely be something scary behind you in the bathroom.

3. Flocks of birds signal something terrifying is on the horizon.

5. If someone says “I’ll be right back” in a film, they’re never coming back.

7. If there’s music, everything’s probably fine.

9. Get to know your next-door neighbour.

11. Rear-view mirrors spell trouble in films.