This inspired mum freaked out her daughter with a truly excellent use of googly eyes
Some parents take April Fools’ Day to new lengths.

It’s April Fools’ Day and some parents have been preparing for this day for some time.
In the case of Emily Bodnar’s mum Lisa, she’s been planning her prank on her daughter for two months – and it’s one of exquisite simplicity.

“I just laughed and shook my head and removed the ones that made me uncomfortable,” Emily, 21, told the Press Association.
Emily, a college student from Florida, shared pictures of her mum’s handiwork on Twitter – where she’s been getting some serious appreciation.
“She loves April Fools’ Day and for some reason, is really good at it too,” Emily said of her mum. “Apparently, she has another surprise waiting.”
Stay vigilant Emily – and hey, you can be sure your bathroom and kitchen will be on the look out too.