This woman found her doppelganger on Tinder and you definitely won’t be able to tell the two apart
Naomi and Mikhayla are similar right down to their make-up.

A picture on Reddit is getting attention for looking more like an optical illusion than a selfie, as a woman posted that she had found her doppelganger online.
Naomi explained that she had found someone online who looks like her double, and they look undeniably similar – right down to their make-up.
Naomi said: “My friend found Mikhayla on Tinder and messaged me asking why I had a fake account.
“I didn’t see the resemblance at all and messaged another friend her photo, who also thought it was a photo of me. I ended up messaging Mikhayla on Facebook, and we met up a couple of months later when I was in town!”

Naomi said: “This was about two years ago and we’ve been pretty good friends ever since and caught up loads of times!”
The original post now has over 11,000 upvotes, and plenty of users commenting on how similar they look.