Express & Star

9 of the most catastrophic family meltdowns witnessed in Ikea

From family disagreements to children using display toilets…

(Stephen Pond/EMPICS Sport)

Ikea can be an exciting place where homes are made and meatballs are devoured, but it can also have a dark side if you and your loved ones aren’t in the mood.

It’s those stressful moments that are the hot topic of discussion on Reddit at the moment, where shroudedlynx asked fellow users to share stories of the “worst family meltdowns” they had seen.

Here are nine of the best – or should that be worst – replies:

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3. This hangry man

4. This moment of self-reflection

5. This comedy classic

6. This car park fall-out

7. This gross error of judgment

8. This apparent misunderstanding

9. And this story that’s actually kinda nice