9 facts that are technically true but very misleading
That can’t be right…

Reddit users have been discussing things that are technically true, but terribly misleading.
Take a look at some of these facts and see if you can get your head around them.
1. Crime pays
“If you commit a horrible crime, the government will give you free food and accommodation, sometimes for the rest of your life.” – koalameat
“Vatican city technically has a pope density of about 2 popes per km squared.” – niennaarcturus
“I am undefeated in professional wrestling.” – Anonymous822
“If a human baby is born underwater, it can live its entire lifetime submerged, without ever surfacing for air.” – Scrappy_Larue
“On average a person has approximately one fallopian tube” – 3BallJosh
“Smallpox was eradicated within a year of the release of the original Sony Walkman.” – GhostoftheWolfswood
“Every single person who drank water in the 1800s died.” – VictorBlimpmuscle
“I was Time Magazine’s Person of the Year in 2006.” – Reddit-Loves-Me
9. Think about it
“There are more planets inhabited by robots in the solar system than planets populated by people.” – Indigobeef