Cookies, riddles and seat comfort: Listen to these pilots chat during mid-air refuelling
It surprisingly sounds like any other conversation.

In a video posted to YouTube by The Joint Forces Channel, an F-22 aircraft is shown refuelling in mid-air. This is interesting enough to watch, but the dialogue between the pilots and the refueler is what is really unexpected.
According to the video’s description, boom-operator Senior Airman Jordan Smith, deployed from Travis Air Force Base, is “known for his creative, morale-boosting conversation methods of having riddles or jokes or talking about the food they miss from back home.”
In this particular chat, Smith asks the F22 pilots the riddle: “I can run, but I cannot walk, what am I?”
It turns out the answer is nose.
They even go on to talk about how comfortable the seats are in their respective planes.
So there you have it, the weird and wonderful world of fighter jet refuelling laid bare.