This man stuck a museum label next to a hole in his office wall and turned it into modern art
Exposed Wiring & Controls, unnamed contractor, 2018, mixed media.

A graphic designer put a cheeky sign up next to a hole in his new office’s wall, turning it into a piece of modern art.
Padraig Murphy stuck his very own gallery explanation next to a hole that exposed some plug sockets and switches.
“A daring interpretative piece, Exposed Wiring & Controls was part of a series of unfinished works made in the spring of 2018,” he wrote.
“Critics have suggested it is a commentary on modern life’s obsession with time constraints and the nature of incomplete projects.

“A confident, accomplished work.”
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Padraig works for a print, signage and design company, based in Galway, Ireland.
But a couple of days later, the original art was vandalised. Someone had stuck a piece of board over the hole.
“I like to think I inspired them to progress the project,” Padraig told the Press Association.
So like any good curator, he updated the sign for the new artwork.
“Prompted by earlier works in more challenging media, Blatant Patch Job is representative of a burgeoning ascetic uniformity in art that is both reactionary and ultimately conformist in nature.”
“While some have accused the artist of merely attempting to white wash the works of past creators, others have found in the stark white of Blatant an invitation to consider what the artist has chosen to conceal.”

People even wanted to visit this new gallery themselves.
And don’t worry, Padraig didn’t get in trouble.
“The office had a bit of a laugh at it,” he said.
“A lot of people found it funny, plenty of modern art jokes, and that’s about it.”
And in case you want to make passive aggressive gallery signs for your own place of work, he rustled them up by sticking printed stickers on some foam board, and cut it afterwards to get that professional-looking finish.
So now every bit of unfinished office renovation and dirty coffee mug left in a sink can be a work of art too.