Express & Star

This guy made a boyfriend out of wine boxes and just won the internet

‘It’s the inner qualities that count!’

(Niscelle Ward)

After suffering a rough break-up a few years ago, Michael James Schneider says he self-medicated his recovery with wine.

Now, the 44-year-old artist has taken his love for vino and given it a brilliant twist – by making a new boyfriend out of the old wine boxes.

Michael and his wine box boyfriend
(Niscelle Ward)

“Though I’m over the break-up, I always thought it would be sad, funny and a little sweet to make a companion from the empty cartons left over,” Michael told the Press Association.

“My ideal boyfriend? Well, he would be kind and sweet and generous and funny. It’s the inner qualities that count!

“I tried to show this in the photos, which at first glance could seem like cheesy stock photos that you find in a frame before putting your own in there.

“But maybe we all secretly want that significant other who boops us on the nose with pasta sauce while cooking, who goes grocery shopping with us and is as concerned as we are with the calorie content of focaccia chips.”

Michael at the shops with BWB
(Niscelle Ward)

“I usually rope friends into helping me take these and my local grocery store is used to my antics.”

Michael’s post to Twitter of him and Box Wine Boyfriend, or BWB as he affectionately abbreviates, has gone viral with tens of thousands of shares – and some brilliant responses.

Michael left a retail management job some years ago to be more creative and now has his own blog where he shares his creations – which range from funny staged photos to videos such as an guide on how to gift wrap a cat.

If you’d like to see more from Michael check him out on Instagram and Twitter.