Express & Star

People filled potholes with Coco Pops in response to a council’s road repair budget

East Ayrshire Council has just tripled its budget for road resurfacing projects, but not everybody thought it was enough

A satirical video shows a man filling potholes with Coco Pops (East Ayrshire Cooncil/Facebook/PA)

Members of a satirical Facebook page decided to fill potholes with Coco Pops despite a local council tripling its road repair budget.

“East Ayrshire Cooncil” is described on Facebook as “a parody page designed to highlight local issues through comedy and satire”.

Their clip shows a man filling a pothole with Coco Pops and pouring milk over it, then joking that they only have a £600 budget for their work.

However, clearly not everyone was encouraged by the news.

“Our council upped the budget to £6 million, a drop in the ocean to what we really need,” said a representative from the satirical Facebook page.

“Simply banging on about potholes day in, day out ain’t gonna get us no where (sic)”, they continued.

“Put a funny slant on it and everyone sits up and takes notice.

“The reaction has been beyond our expectations. It’s reached far and wide and it resonates with people.”

A satirical video shows a man filling potholes with Coco Pops
(East Ayrshire Cooncil/Facebook/PA)

A spokesman for East Ayrshire Council said: “In yesterday’s Council budget, we acknowledged the problems caused by potholes and road defects, caused by the severe winter weather and we trebled the road repair budget to £6 million for the year ahead.

“There are 55 road resurfacing programmes in the pipeline and we have teams working seven days a week to repair road defects.

“Road safety is a serious issue and we would strongly discourage anyone from standing in the road and putting others, and themselves, in harm’s way.”