9 Olympic events for average people as suggested by Reddit users
There would be strong competition in each of these categories.

Athletes train for years to be ready for their event at the Olympic Games, but what about all that time everyone else spends perfecting day-to-day skills that the Games don’t recognise?
From storage ability to computer skills, chores to getting up in the morning, Reddit users have been discussing the events average people could compete in.
See any opportunities for gold here?
1. Fast forward
taters_Mcgee: “Who can fast forward thru the commercials/opening credits without going too far, and having to rewind back.”
UberToonces: “Storing Tupperware containers and lids in the most efficient and effective manner”.
sb082: “How quickly you can become presentable for work when you’ve hit the snooze button 7 times”.
Dagonus: Getting off the phone with your mother.
“Uh huh. Yea. Okay. Sure. Yes. Right. Yes. Yes. Yes. Uh huh. Yes. Of course. Yes mom. No. Yes I will. Mom, I’m in my thirties, I know how t– yes mom. Yes. Yes.Okay. Yes. Look, I really need to go. I have a conference call for work and– yes mom. What? I can’t hear you. Signal breaking up, I’m going through a tunnel in an airplane and my battery is dying. Good bye!”
DoctorSneak: “The necessity check. Rapidly patting each pocket of your jeans to make sure you have all your necessities.”
MBPyro: “Spreadsheets? Please say there is a spreadsheet event.”
ErichTehRed: “See who can avoid emptying the bin the longest by cramming the most garbage into an overflowing can without having the pile collapse.”
effervescenthoopla: “Carrying an unreasonable number of grocery bags in so you don’t have to make another trip out. Winner is whomever can carry all the groceries inside with the smallest number of trips to the car.”
taskers01: “Queuing, us Brits can do that for days”.