German firefighters have freed a man who got a ‘sensitive body part’ stuck in a gym weight
We’re going to assume it was his penis.

A German fire station has posted a picture on its Facebook page of a broken dumbbell disk – the kind you see all over gyms, and in the homes of fitness enthusiasts.
But this was no ordinary training accident, they said.
Firefighters had been called out to a local hospital because someone had got a, ahem, “very sensitive part of the body” trapped in the hole of the 2.5kg weight.
Someone got their genitals stuck in a gym weight.
The fire brigade said it took three hours to free the man from his predicament.
Plus they had to use a “cutting grinder”, a “vibrating saw” and something that roughly translates from German as a “hydraulic rescue device” to get him out.
People online asked the obvious question: what on Earth possessed him to do it?
Maybe it was exercise-related.
But we will never know why the anonymous gym bunny did what he did that day.
It’s just another one of life’s great mysteries.
But we can be sure that he probably won’t do it again.
And maybe we should spare a thought for the poor firefighters who had to free him.
“Please do not imitate such actions!” they begged their Facebook followers.
Don’t do it, people.