12 social customs that need to stop, according to Reddit
Redditors offers collective wisdom to extravagant weddings, handshakes and elbows on the table…

What social custom needs to be retired?
This question posed to Reddit by user ruj00 has proved hugely popular, with tens of thousands of responses covering a broad variety of bizarre human interactions.
Here are 12 of the responses which people agreed with the most. Do you agree with them?
1. Extremely expensive engagement rings – EveryDayRay
3. Making your kids hug/kiss people they aren’t comfortable with. – BirdCop
5. Opening gifts in front of the gifter. – TheLurkerSpeaks
7. People not getting that sometimes you want some alone time and there is nothing wrong with that. – TheSameButBetter
9. Extravagant weddings. – obxtalldude
11. We should switch handshakes to fist bumps to hinder the spread of infections. – skeletorch