Express & Star

This person somehow managed to pay 99p for an empty McDonald’s bag

He quite literally ordered a big fat nothing-burger.

(Rui Vieira/PA)

This is a cool, weird thing.

A 17-year-old Brit has apparently found a way to hack the system – specifically the McDonald’s system – so that it gave him nothing for something.

You’re probably thinking that sentence should be phrased the other way around, but no. He literally spent 99p for a big fat nothing-burger.

It started off with a simple and common pursuit – the hamburger. But when choosing the “no gherkin” option this person quickly realised there were a lot of other things to select.

They ended up requesting no onion, no ketchup, no mustard, no pickles, no cheese and no bun – before opting out of the beef patty too.

Amazingly, it seems they were given an order number and told to pick up their meal (?) at the collection point – and the 99p a burger would normally cost was deducted from their account.

And what did they receive? An empty paper bag where a burger once might have been.

Next time it’s definitely worth asking just for ketchup – who knows what’ll happen.