Express & Star

Setting up a date by PowerPoint didn’t exactly go to plan for this Londoner

Ben Velzian had a disarmingly charming presentation of suggestions of where to take his date.

Red heart on the computer keyboard with sunlight and shadow. Internet dating, Valentines day concept.

If you’re an organised sort of person, arranging a date using Microsoft PowerPoint might seem like a great idea – but it spectacularly backfired for one poor chap in London.

When Ben Velzian was asked by a prospective date if he had any suggestions of where to go, he readily replied with an in-depth presentation, crammed full of possibilities.

But the tongue-in-cheek gesture turned out not to have played in Ben’s favour after his acquaintance, Tom, summarily blocked him from further communication. Ouch.

Among Ben’s fabulous suggestions for romantic venues were the John Soane museum (“they say it’s lit by candles, but I don’t see the point as it gets dark at 10 and shuts at 9ish), the “artzy maze” next to the Millennium Dome (“It’s a maze by an artist in a gallery”) and Junkyard golf (“everyone who lives in east London legally has to do it”).

Despite littering his efforts with pictures of Ben Affleck (“the first famous Ben I could think of”) and Tom Scavo (“the first famous Tom I could think of”), it seems Ben’s heavy-handed silliness just didn’t cut it for Tom.

Perhaps, on this occasion, it really was something he said.

But you have to admit: it was a disarming approach.

Ben: we salute you, don’t change yourself for the world.