Express & Star

This woman paid for someone’s shopping and received a beautiful thank you three years later

A wonderful story of Facebook bringing people together.

A woman holds shopping bags from supermarket chain Morrisons (Jon Super/PA)

A parenting blogger has shared an email thanking her for paying for a woman’s shopping, three years after the event.

In 2014, in a branch of Morrisons supermarket, Rachaele Hambleton, 35, came across a woman who could not afford to pay for her shopping.

Rachaele paid for the single mother’s shopping that day, and this weekend received a surprising email from the woman she helped thanking her for her kindness.

Now a successful blogger, Rachaele shared a photo of the email from Tash and the accompanying story with her 400,000 followers on her Part-Time Working Mummy Facebook page.

“She tried to stop me, told me she didn’t know when she would be able to pay me back and she offered to put all her items back – items such as Aptimil, nappies and wet wipes.”

The photo accompanying the post shows an email from Tash, in which she tells Rachaele, “you had no idea but that day you saved my whole world”. She explains that incredibly, she found Rachaele through her blog, going on to say how she was in such a situation in the first place and inform Rachaele that she’s doing much better.

Hambleton explained her decision to pay for the woman’s shopping that day, saying “I was a single mum living exactly like that and despite me not being wealthy when I paid for her shopping I was in a better position than a few years ago.

Rachaele Hambleton shared her story on Facebook (Kerry Ann Duffy/PA)
Rachaele Hambleton shared her story on Facebook (Kerry Ann Duffy/PA)

It appears the two ladies may be forming a friendship that will last into the future. Rachaele says they have been emailing back and forth.

“She’s doing really well, she has a fab career, a new house and her son is thriving. I am so pleased for her.”

Despite Tash’s offer to pay back the money, Rachaele ended the heart-warming Facebook post with: “I don’t want the money back, go buy yourself a big bottle of wine for being an absolute legend.”

Rachaele has definitely shown she is also a legend with this wonderful act of kindness.