Express & Star

A Twitter debate about the key ingredients in a Full English Breakfast is Brexit all over again

Forget “How do you like your eggs” – how do you like your *entire* fried breakfast in the morning?


If you thought Brexit was the nation at its most divided, think again.

A debate about the key ingredients of a fry-up has been raging among Twitter users, but you had better brace yourself if you want to enter the fray.

It appears Dawn Foster kicked things off when she controversially asserted her distaste for a good ol’ can of beans on her plate.

She was soon rebutted by David Whitley, who not only stood up for the humble baked bean, but shot down the neglected star: the cooked tomato.

Honestly, the poor tomato is like the last kid to be picked in PE.

His assault on some of the most prized elements of the legendary Full English Breakfast continued.

Er, David? David. How is black pudding negotiable? It’s top of the list, surely?

Meanwhile, the eggs were standing quietly in the corner, minding their business, until Mollie Goodfellow launched her passive-aggressive attack.

Tom Peck attempted to add a dash of diplomacy to the debate…

…Yet, it could only last so long among the quarrelling voices.

In an attempt to bring some facts to the table (who can argue with cold, hard data?), Stephanie Boland introduced a definitive Fried Breakfast quiz, featuring beans, hash browns, mushrooms, chips, fried tomatoes, sauce and soda bread.

While most agreed with the majority of ingredients, mushrooms and tomatoes were the most polarising.

Her polls received thousands of votes.

Not the most popular option (Stephanie Boland/Twitter)

The poll of fried tomatoes was among the most contentious (Stephanie Boland/Twitter)

Not sure about the next one, though.

Chips? For brekky? (Stephanie Boland/Twitter)

I mean, really – where would we be without a juicy, slightly sweet and perfectly bite-sized tomato to contribute to our five-a-day?

Oh goodness, someone please stop Wendy – she’s only here to add fuel to the fire.