Express & Star

9 of the most inventive uses people have found for fidget spinners

Turns out the spinners are useful in beauty, music and of course illustrating Sonic the Hedgehog.

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The craze for fidget spinners has gone global, but for many who don’t feel the need to spin something at their desks it’s begged the question – what are they for?

For those of you that way inclined, here are some of the more inventive ways the toys have been used.

1. As Sonic the Hedgehog’s legs

Yes, it is amazing. Twitter user Evan decided his fidget spinner looked remarkably like the speedy legs of a certain beloved Sega character – and by gosh he was right.

Sonic The Hedgehog S GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Discover & Share this Sonic The Hedgehog S GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

2. Dating



Reddit user FatJohnson6 seems to have found a way to streamline their dating experience.

No longer will you have to strain your fingers with all that darned tapping on Tinder’s like button – just line up your fidget spinner and let it do the work.

3. Slappin’ the bass

For those of you musically inclined, why not ditch your plectrums and use a fidget spinner for those wrist-straining guitar riffs – like YouTuber Davie504 here.

Davie prides himself on playing bass guitar with anything and everything – he even recently posted a video of himself playing the Red Hot Chili Peppers with real chilli peppers.

4. As a haircut design

Not for the faint-hearted this one – but the brother of Twitter user CampbellBeans fancied it, apparently.

5. For alone time

Yes, apparently “fidget spinner” has been raised to Porn website Pornhub’s top trending search since the fad began – and this upsets quite a few people.

Unless you’ve now had enough internet for one day, check out the rest of the list…

6. To make music

Another treat for you music fans, this time in the form of some minimal techno.

YouTuber Andrew Huang made the music by sampling sounds made by a fidget spinner and the little gadget’s slightly square cousin the fidget cube – and it’s a beat.

7. Adding life to your nails

Natasha Lee – Ginger Tash

DIY FIDGET SPINNER NAILS!!! Yes I went there and used nail products to create the “World’s Smallest Fidget Spinners”!

Nail art expert Natasha Lee creates some pretty amazing stuff on her YouTube channel, but this rendition of a mini fidget spinner really is special.

Whether you’ll be able to replicate it yourself from the tutorial is a different matter…

8. Filling your rubbish bin

It seems for some people, such as Twitter user Ben Q here, the best place for a fidget spinner is in the bin.

In fact it’s something of a running joke.

Deadpool outfits aren’t necessary for this trick – but they add a certain something.

9. Pranking your mate

Finally, for serial friend-abuser Ben Phillips, the best use for fidget spinners is – you guessed it – pranking his mate Elliot Giles.

Ben Phillips

STUCK A 1000 FIDGET SPINNERS TO MY BRO Instagram @benphillipsuk

Poor Elliot. Perhaps he needs to play with a fidget spinner to calm down – hang on, maybe that’s what they’re for…