Fun and free fries on offer at McDonald's Monopoly event in Birmingham
Fun, games, and free fries are on offer at a McDonald's Monopoly event on Friday.
To celebrate the return of McDonald's Monopoly, where customers can win prizes with their order, the fast food chain is hosting an event at Bullring and Grand Central, inviting passersby to try their luck at winning Monopoly game prizes.
The event will see will see a huge 'burger' dome game, where members of the public will be challenged to catch as many flying 'peelies' – the Monopoly stickers that come with McDonald's food and drinks – as possible within a given time in exchange for prizes.
As well as the games, 2,000 lucky people can grab a free portion of fries on the day.
The event will be taking place on Friday, September 1 from 11am–5pm at Bullring and Grand Central, Birmingham city centre.
The Monopoly game is returning to McDonald's restaurants on Wednesday, September 6.