Ghostly week as landlords celebrate 10 years running Tipton pub
Landlord duo Julie and Malcolm Roberts are celebrating a decade of running The Rising Sun pub in Tipton.
The couple marked their 10 years running the pub, as well as 10 years under the banner of Pensnett's Black Country Ales, with a party night on Saturday, where they celebrated with family and friends.
It was an eventful week for The Rising Sun, as they also received a visit from the 'Help! My House is Haunted' team, who recorded an episode for their next series at the Black Country pub.
Julie and Malcolm said: "What a week to celebrate 10 years of management. The week started off with a celebrity status when we welcomed the ‘Help! My House is Haunted’ team, where we got to record for the next series getting to share all the spiritual goings on here The Rising Sun Pub. What a great team they were and we thoroughly enjoyed it.
"Then Saturday night was party night where we got to share our achievements with all our lovely customers whom over the last 10 years have become friends and a massive thank you for all the cards, gifts and flowers we’ve received we were truly overwhelmed with your generosity.
"Last but not least a massive thank you to our bar team who have worked alongside us tirelessly to support us and worked extremely hard on Saturday night to ensure everyone had a good night.
"We couldn’t do it without all your help and support. Here’s to making more memories in our community pub and sharing it all with our wonderful customers and staff. Cheers to 10 years."