Express & Star

Owner of Reece's Cafe shares delight at success one month after opening

The owner of Reece's Cafe has shared his delight one month after opening for business.

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Reece Lambert, owner of Reece's Cafe with a celebratory cake after his grand opening

Reece Lambert, 27, has enjoyed a successful first month of business after officially opening on Sunday, September 25.

After setting a target of one day opening his own business, Reece was able to achieve that goal and opening his cafe on Old Heath Road, Eastfield - the area that he grew up in.

Speaking about the success of his first month of business, he said: "Business has been really good since the first day, if I must say, I really cannot complain with the outcome so far.

"I've received loads of support from my locals, strangers and so many people - and they all the love the food.

"Everybody loves the food, I love the food - that's the main thing, that people enjoy eating here.

"Now I just have to be consistent and continue to work hard."

Reece has lived in the area all his life, and previously told the Express and Star how as a young teen, he once asked the owner of the shop how much it would cost to open up a cafe there, and from that point on, he made it his goal to one day open that business in that very same shop.

Reece's Cafe, Old Heath Road, Eastfield, Wolverhampton

Fast forward 11 years, and he has now achieved that goal but doesn't just want to stop there.

Reece wants to use his experience and platform, and popularity to tell others they too can achieve goals and targets they set out for in life.

He said: "I can't believe I have actually been able to achieve what I wanted. I now want to inspire young people to focus and not doubt themselves. To take that risk in life.

"I want to motivate others to chase dreams, achieve targets they set out. If I had doubted myself, I would have been driving past seeing someone else owning that shop and it would have made me feel awful, but I chased it and achieved it."

Reece's Cafe, which is on Old Heath Road, Eastfield, Wolverhampton, is open seven days a week from 6am to 2pm, and serves a variety of food and drink including breakfasts, sandwiches, salads, plus much more.