Reece all set to open café in Wolverhampton area he grew up in
A 27-year-old Wolverhampton lad is set to open up his own café - something he has wanted to achieve since being a teenager.

Reece Lambert is set to open Reece's cafe on Old Heath Road, Eastfield - the area he grew up in and has lived in all his life.
After setting out a target of one day opening his own business and achieving that target, Reece now wants to inspire youngsters in his area and the city, and motivate them to chase and achieve their targets in life.
Speaking about the café, he said: "I've lived here all my life, 27 years, and it used to be my local shop in the area.

"I remember asking the owner of the shop when I was 16-years-old how much would it cost to open up a café here, and from then I always said that the first business that I open will be that café.
"The owner of the shop gave up the building and a friend turned it into a barbers but now I had the perfect opportunity to open a café here.
"Everyone has been very supportive - they're just waiting for it to open now.
"I live in the area, everyone knows me, and there has never been a café here so it has received a lot of support from locals and people who know me."
The former doorman wants to take this moment of opening his own café as an opportunity to inspire youngsters to achieve their targets or dreams in life.

He said: "I can't believe I have actually been able to achieve what I wanted. I now want to inspire young people to focus and not doubt themselves. To take that risk in life.
"I want to motivate others to chase dreams, achieve targets they set out. If I had doubted myself, I would have been driving past seeing someone else owning that shop and it would have made me feel awful, but I chased it and achieved it."
Reece's Cafe will be opening its doors in September when there will be a grand opening.
It will be open seven days a week, from 6am to 2pm Monday to Saturday, and 8am to 2pm on Sundays.