Man's best friend: Can you solve these Tastybones visual puzzles?
A leading pet food company has created three visual puzzles that are baffling Brits, to raise awareness about how to reduce and manage unfavourable, yet common, behaviour traits in dogs.

Chewing household items, stealing food and eating sticks are all behaviours that can thoroughly frustrate owners - and, more importantly, put a dog’s health at risk.
Many owners don’t realise that chewing household items is a sign of boredom or separation anxiety.
Separation anxiety is known to affect around 14 per cent of dogs. Although it can affect different dog breeds differently, the most common sign is destructive behaviour.
But can you spot the TastyBone in the slippers?

Dog owners know that the majority of dog owners are real foodies.
While you may think giving your dog the odd tidbit is harmless, it can create challenging behaviour further down the line, such as begging at the table, rummaging through kitchen cupboards or bins, and even stealing food straight from the table.
Can you tell your bone from your sausages?

Dogs love chewing whilst out and about or in the garden as well as at home.
Sticks are a common favourite, but many pet owners may not realise the dangers of chewing on a stick.
Sticks can splinter easily and, worryingly, the shards can jam into a dog’s mouth and cause infection.
How long will you be stuck looking for a bone in sticks?

Stuck on the visual puzzles? Click here for the reveals.