Express & Star

Hair of the dog, salty crisps, a hot shower and more: Top hangover cures for festive celebrations

Festive revellers are set to enjoy alcoholic beverages aplenty this Christmas, so experts have revealed eight of the best hangover cures that won’t cost the world.

Best festive hangover cures

Penny-pinching gurus from are encouraging individuals to plan ahead and pre-empt a hangover to ensure supplies are to hand the morning after.

The key to recovering after drinking a lot of alcohol is to replenish the body’s nutrient and mineral resources, as well as rehydrating yourself.

It has been suggested that darker drinks such as red wine lead to the worst hangovers, so sticking to spirits may help you avoid the worst symptoms

Here are eight hangover cures to remember this festive period so you don't spend Christmas with a headache...

Full fat coke

The sugar in full fat coke will give you some much needed energy if you’re unable to catch up on any lost sleep.

It will also help you feel less trembly, with the fizz also helping settle your stomach. Ice cold is often the preference, and from a can instead of a bottle.

Salty crisps

Salt is one of the minerals that’s lacking after drinking alcohol, so salty crisps and food will help boost supplies, as well as waking up your taste buds.

Eating should also help settle the stomach, although it can often be seen as 'kill or cure'.

A fry up

The carbs in one of Britain’s favourite dishes helps restore sugar levels, with the nutrients and minerals also topping up the reserves that you lost from the night before.

Hungover bodies are said to crave grease, so giving them what they want when you’re feeling delicate will only help the battle against the hangover.

Best festive hangover cures

Hair of the dog

Although the thought of even more alcohol may turn your stomach, it will delay the impending hangover symptoms which are probably looming, with some people saying it actually softens the symptoms too.

However, there is a danger that drinking more alcohol will make the hangover worse.


One way to avoid facing the problems a hangover can bring is by simply sleeping through them and letting your body re-set itself.

Drinking alcohol often results in a bad night’s sleep anyway so you’ll have plenty to catch up on.


A long, hot steamy shower is the go-to hangover cure for many.

The idea is to sweat out any leftover alcohol in the system.

When you’re feeling lethargic, standing under a stream of water can be just the tonic you need.

Fresh air

A walk outside will soon blow the cobwebs away and alleviate any signs of a hangover.

Getting the blood pumping and giving you something else to concentrate on will almost make you forget about the night before.


Alcohol makes you need the toilet more, which is what makes you dehydrated.

Although you’re drinking liquid, alcohol doesn’t hydrate, so plenty of water should be drunk to help replenish your body.