Explorer Ben Fogle shares tales from the wild ahead of Birmingham show
Thrilling tales from a modern day explorer are in store when Ben Fogle headlines Birmingham’s Town Hall on Tuesday. From crossing Antarctica to conquering Everest, Ben will take the audience on an inspiring adventure.

Fans can join the writer, presenter and broadcaster for his uplifting and exciting show, when he’ll be sharing his stories of the wilderness. Ben has climbed Everest, been swimming with crocodiles, saved elephants, dodged pirates, been marooned for a year on an uninhabited island, walked to the South Pole, Crossed the Empty Quarter with camels, rowed across the Atlantic Ocean, tracked the Migration of the Wilderbeest, swum from Alcatraz, had a flesh eating disease and messed around with ferrets. He is an adventurer in a class of his own.
The much-loved TV adventurer will recount, with warmth and honesty, his thrilling tales. If you like Ben’s TV shows then you’ll love this personal and intimate evening of stories from around the world. The show will include multi-media and an opportunity for Q&A’s.
The Un Patron of the Wilderness, Ben has travelled the world, published 10 bestselling books & his TV shows are a global hit watched by millions around the world.
Ben has seen the way the world has changed during his travels. And he says there are simple things we could all to do embrace eco-friendly lifetstyles.
“It sounds basic but just get into the habit of always leaving your house with a reusable bag, a reusable tea or coffee cup and a reusable water bottle. Those three essential items are will massively reduce your daily consumption. When travelling, it’s just about trying to be as sensitive and sensible with your decisions. Plan ahead: think about whether you’re going to be able to fill up with fresh water. Also think about how to reduce your travel footprint – once you’re in a particular region, use trains or more sustainable transport when getting around. Every little counts.”
Ben has a passion for adventure and is looking forward to sharing his stories.
“Adventure is anything away from the norm. We are all creatures of habit, adventure breaks the mould by pushing your boundaries and opening the mind. You get out of life what you put in and the greatest achievements come from the biggest challenges. I am driven by curiosity and wanderlust. I have always loved travelling. To explore is to delve a little deeper beneath the surface.
“The thing that addicts me to travelling is the assault on the senses. I love the colour, the noise, the smells, the tastes. Everything has a richness. Bettering myself too. I think only by exploring outside of your realm of comfort and normality, can you be objective on your outlook on life. I think it makes me better as a person and a better dad to my kids as well. I love coming back from my travels and telling them my stories.”
Ben became a household name in 2000 through the BBC reality show Castaway. He’s been a success ever since and puts his longevity down to honesty and reality.
“I am what you see. I have never pretended to be anything different. Some people like that, some don’t. The secret to any success is drive, honesty and integrity.”
His extreme exploits have challenged him in different ways: “Rowing the Atlantic was probably one of the most overwhelming experiences. Monotony and sleep deprivation can be a lethal combination. They can be quite destructive. It wasn’t a physical challenge but a mental battle.”
He does, however, have his own fears.
“Heights. I can stand on top of a mountain or a cliff but I’m terrified of jumping off. Bungee, diving, parachuting, wingsuiting, skydiving. They all make my stomach turn. I have forced myself to skydive a few times now and recently did my first solo dive as a way of conquering my fear. I have a little ways to go.”