Dudley Zoo and Castle plans weekend of festivities and fiery fun for St George's Day
A medieval re-enactment and a meet-and-greet with a dragon are among the activities planned at Dudley Zoo and Castle to celebrate St George's Day this spring.

There are only limited tickets available across the two-day event, which will be held in the castle grounds from 3pm to 7pm on April 20 and April 21.
Among the festivities planned are a visit from Smoked! the Dragon and a string of children's entertainment.
There will also be face-painting and crafts in the 11th century castle courtyard alongside additional animal talks and ghost walks.
Dudley Zoo director, Derek Grove, said: "Our St George’s Day events are always really popular with local residents and we’re delighted to be able to host them again this year over two days.
“As usual, there are limited tickets available, so we would urge people to book them quickly if they would like to join us in celebrating our country’s patron saint.”
Tickets cost £6 per person, with a family ticket – valid for two adults and two children – priced at £20.
To purchase tickets, call 01384 215313 or book via the zoo’s website at dudleyzoo.org.uk/st-georges-days-2024.