Residents urged to join Latin American and ballroom dance classes
Dancers are being urged to grab their partners for a new ballroom and Latin American class.

The new dance class is starting on September 11 at Wellington Road Community Centre, in Wellington Road, in Dudle, Dudley. It will run from 7.30-8.30pm and the cost is £5 per person.
It is being organised by dance teacher Fiona Bennett, who also runs the Wednesday tea dances at Dudley Town Hall.
The following week on September 17 she will be launching a new beginner sequence two-year dance course which be held from 8.30pm-9.30pm at St Giles Church Hall, in Hawes Lane, Rowley Regis.
The cost is also £5 per person to take part.
Miss Bennett also runs regular Saturday evening dances and ballroom classes at other venues.
For more details about her classes or social events telephone 01384 243451.