Express & Star

Antiques expert helps church raise funds

Antiques expert Thomas Forrester is helping a Black Country church by taking part in a valuation event.

Thomas Forrester at Baylies Hall

Thomas, who appears on BBC 1's Bargain Hunt, will be at Hurst Hill Methodist Church, Hurst Road on January 31 between 2pm and 5pm.

The auctioneer suggested the event when he visited the church earlier this year to look at some items its was selling surplus to requirements. He has done this successfully several times for another Methodist church near his other venues.

Thomas, of Soecial Auction Services, which has a site at Baylies Hall in Dudley – the former Aston's Auctioneers – is giving his time and services free of charge.

The event will be held subject to current Covid regulations on masks, sanitising and distancing.

Margaret Short from the church said: "The size of the interior lends itself to maintaining distancing and meeting ventilation requirements.

It will take place subject to no changes in future of Covid regulations."

It will cost £5 for three items to be valued and £1 for each extra item.

It is being held on a pre booked appointments basis.

All proceeds will be used to continue essential internal work required to maintain the beautiful old church building.

There will be refreshments including coffee and cakes on sale on the day as well.

To book a slot at the valuation e-mail Margaret on

Auctions are held at Baylies Hall on the last Thursday of every month. Currently they are being held on an online only basis.

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