Sedgley Beer Festival is cancelled
One of Sedgley's biggest annual community events has had to be called off this year due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

Sedgley Beer festival is normally held in the 1st Sedgley Scout Group's Jubilee Hall headquarters off Ladies Walk over two days each September.
The Sedgley Charity Beer Festival team has decided that it is not safe to put on the volunteer-run event, which raises funds for the group and local charities, this autumn because of the difficulties presented by the virus.
They have announced that the 2021 festival will take place on September 24 and 25.
The festival, which features real ales from all over the West Midlands and further afield along with ciders, gins and live music, normally attracts hundreds of people from the village and wider Black Country. The group puts up marquees in its grounds to accommodate more festivalgoers.
Last year was the seventh festival after it was launched in 2013 and organisers have made it bigger and better each year.
Some of the funds raised last year, when 42 beers were featured, went to the BBC Children in Need appeal.
The festival has helped to support the ongoing development and refurbishment of the group's headquarters