Express & Star

Chef dishes up help for homeless

A virtual cook-a-long show hosted by Michelin-starred TV chef, Glynn Purnell, saw people tune in to raise awareness of West Midlands homelessness scheme, Change into Action.

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The Big Birmingham Cook-a-long - Councillor Sharon Thompson with Glynn Purnell

The Big Birmingham Cook-A-Long, which aired on December 8, aimed to raise awareness of Change Into Action and saw a number of local chefs cooking up their favourite recipes for viewers at home to recreate.

Guest appearances on the YouTube show included Councillor Sharon Thompson, cabinet member for homes and neighbourhoods at Birmingham City Council, as well as guests from Birmingham-based homelessness charities which have benefited from the help of Change Into Action.

Change into Action is a joint scheme, set up in 2017, by Birmingham City Council, the West Midlands Combined Authority and the Mayor of the West Midlands to tackle homelessness and works to change the circumstances of rough sleepers.