The Eagles, Arena Birmingham - review
‘Life’s Been Good’, Joe Walsh proclaimed . . . it certainly has been when you’ve seen The Eagles play live.

Did we go back in time? Was it the seventies? The voices, the guitar, the stage craft . . . it was my dad who first introduced me to this band. I immediately loved them and, having seen them live, I now love them even more.
With a backdrop of stars, planets, the universe and the cosmos on loop while they were rocking out, it really was an out-of-body experience.
“Thank you for being with us all these years . . . tell your parents we were good.”

I think that quote summed up the audience. Young and old, it was superb to see how much love was in the building and how the band, after all these years, still cut through the divide.
In The City, in Brum, it was one of those nights where the audience just sat back – it was all seated in Arena Birmingham, which threw me a bit – and took in a truly wonderful performance.
But, despite the adrenaline, it was time to Take it Easy – and that meant relaxing and taking it all in.
The biggest thing for me, after all those years, was how their voices were crystal clear, they never missed a note, they never missed a beat and each song sounded like it was being played from a CD. They were that good.

One of These Nights was one of the early tracks in their set. Such a superb song and one of songs that first got me hooked with rock music as a child.
Throughout, the band made sure every song, every riff and every ballad was in tribute to the late, great Glenn Frey – but there can be no better tribute than hearing his son sing. What a voice.
Vince Gill then took over for Take it to the Limit before we all sat, relaxed and enjoyed their rendition of Tequila Sunrise.
Following that was one another of my all-time favourites, Witchy Woman. If you want blues, a rock beat and some sublime harmonies – you need look no further.
And what also helped make the gig even more memorable was the huge screen behind the band. Zooming in on their guitar solos, it brought the audience even closer to the action.

I Can’t Tell You Why followed as the seated crowd sat back and took in the show. We felt like the New Kid in Town – and hats off to Timothy B Schmit, such a wonderful voice. When he sang I Can’t Tell You, it was a special moment.
And then they upped the tempo with Peaceful Easy Feelings before dropping it back down for Lying Eyes.
It felt like we were living Life in the Fast Lane – especially when the song kicked in, followed soon after by Desperado.
Formed in 1971, The Eagles have been rocking and entertaining their legion of fans for nearly 50 years . . . and I’m so glad I caught them last night.
Oh . . . and they played a wonderful rendition of Hotel California, as you’d expect.The air-guitar gods pleased.