Express & Star

Dean Friedman, Pizza Express, Birmingham - review

Wordsmith wonder Dean Friedman treated fans to a superb intimate show at Pizza Express.And the New Jersey-born star, now 61, had the crowd captivated from start to end with his stunning range and beautiful tones.

Dean Friedman plays Pizza Express in Birmingham. Photo: Alex Barton Photography.

Known for his soft, high vocals, Dean sounded excellent throughout - with a stunning projection that gave his songs added depth and emotion. That is, when he wasn’t making the whole room giggle with his wonderfully witty lyrics on the funny songs.

And what an entertainer. Stood alone on the stage all in black, with just a piano, an acoustic guitar, and a ukulele as props, the star had the room in the palm of his hand - his warm, endearing character shining through at all times.

The venue itself was wonderful too - with great sound, a lovely atmosphere, spacious, comfortable seating and superb service.

“Well it’s nice to see you all here tonight,” beamed Dean.

“It’s great to be here in Birmingham. I usually turn up here a few days early just to get through the roundabouts.”

Highlights from the evening included brilliant renditions of comical numbers such as I’m Not Sorry To See You Go and Death To The Neighbours, which had the whole room chuckling and eagerly listening to each and every word.

Dean also told a tale of how Merseyside band Half Man Half Biscuit released a funny song entitled ‘The B*****d Son Of Dean Friedman’ - to which he responded with a hilarious song of his own, calling into question the origin of their frontman Nigel Blackwell. It is entitled ‘A Baker’s Tale’ - and solves the mystery of how someone could become ‘half-man, half-biscuit’, shall we say.

He also added in some new material from his latest yet-to-be-released album entitled 12 Songs, giving a good balance and entertaining throughout.

Beautiful renditions of Ariel, Lydia and Lucky Stars had the room singing along, before the night ended in a well-deserved standing ovation.

Tremendous entertainment, excellent food and wonderful service - what a perfect way to spend a Friday night.

Before last night, I had not been to a Pizza Express Live gig - but once I had left, I found myself scouring the web to find their next one.

And, as for Dean, he’s playing the Robin 2 in Bilston on May 17. If you didn’t see him last night, get yourself along to that show - you won’t regret it.