Express & Star

Black Country Living Museum opening three authentic new shops including ex-POW's store

Three new shops have opened at the Black Country Living Museum – one of them recreating a business run by a former German prisoner of war.


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In the run-up to Black Country Day, history lovers are invited to the living museum to explore three new shops set in the 1940s and 60s, including a recreation of a Stourbridge military surplus store that was run by Herbert Langer, a former prisoner of war.

The open-air museum, which shares historic stories through actors and immersive experiences, is inviting visitors to shop for a post-war recipe as they browse the shelves in Halesowen and Hasbury Co-op, send themselves a postcard in Spring Hill Post Office and try on replica military wear in Langer's Army & Navy Stores.

An historic character portrays 'Herbert Langer', the owner of Langer's Army & Navy Stores

Carol King, director of content, said: "Step into our 1940s-1960s high street and you’re not just visiting history – you’re living it. From the shelves of the Co-op to the counter of the post office, every detail tells a story of resilience, innovation and community spirit that defined the Black Country.

"This isn’t just about preserving the past; it’s about bringing it to life for new generations to experience and understand."

Each business represents different areas of the Black Country and has been brought to life with the help of the surrounding communities, who have shared memories and donated nostalgic items, from Airfix models and birthday cards to motorcycle helmets and rucksacks.

An historic character portrays 'Winnie', a shop assistant at Spring Hill Post Office.

Herbert Langer of Langer's Army & Navy Stores was a former German prisoner of war who established his military surplus store in Stourbridge in the 1950s after settling in the Black Country. Visitors will be able to 'meet' Herbert in his shop.

Herbert's family, including son Steve Langer, are said to have been 'instrumental' in making sure that the museum – and the staff members portraying Herbert – are doing him proud.

Steve said: "My dad would have been so emotional and overwhelmed that someone thought that much of him to do something like this and recreate something that was his life and that he loved.

"It feels like my dad's shop. It feels like coming home."

Stan Nettleton, whose family ran Penn's Spring Hill Post Office for 40 years, has also been remembered through living interpretation. Visitors can find out about more the shop and why it diversified to be more than a post office, stocking toys, models and greeting cards, among other things.

Langer's Army & Navy Stores and Spring Hill Post Office are now open, with Halesowen and Hasbury Co-op due to open on July 4, just in time for International Day of Co-operatives on Saturday.

More information and tickets can be found at