Express & Star

Tamworth gets festive with launch of Nutcracker Trail

A Staffordshire town has stepped into the festive spirit with the launch of a brand-new Nutcracker Trail.

The Nutcracker Trail

Tamworth Borough Council have been working towards making the town more festive this year, with additional lighting, the return of Christmas trees above shop fronts throughout the town, an ice rink, Santa’s grotto and a free Nutcracker Trail.

Families are invited to search for the life-sized nutcrackers hidden around the town centre until December 31.

Anyone who finds all ten nutcracker characters can enter into a prize draw.

Free activity packs with clues are available to collect from Tamworth Assembly Rooms Box Office, Tamworth Castle reception, or by visiting

Entry forms must be posted into the Nutcracker post box in Ankerside Shopping Centre.

All correct entries will be entered into a prize draw, due to be announced in January. It is one entry per person.

Councillor Thomas Jay, Acting Leader of Tamworth Borough Council, said:” We hope residents join us in the town for some festive fun. There really is something for everyone to enjoy.

“The Nutcracker Trail is a great way to engage in the Christmas spirit and discover what our town has to offer."