Farm visitors celebrate Easter with some adorable new arrivals
Guests at Forge Mill Farm this weekend have enjoyed special Easter activities and spent time with its new arrivals.

The Sandwell farm is hosting New Life at the Farm events throughout the Easter holidays for visitors to enjoy.
Celebrating new life, visitors have been able to meet the farm's lads, kids, calves, and chicks - alongside an adorable array of other animals.

Forge Mill's lambs are all between two and eight weeks old and were keen to eat treats from guest's hands.
The farm also put on activities including ‘New Life Bingo’ and an Easter Egg Hunt in the farm’s Bale Adventure Zone.

As the days drew to a close, the fun didn't end as the farm has been hosting Easter Evenings, complete with s'mores around the fire pit and storytelling.
The farm's Easter events are running until April 16 and can be booked online.